O General Inverter AC Error Code List & Light Blinking Error Code

O General Inverter AC Error Code List:- अगर दोस्तों आप भी एक O General Inverter एयर कंडीशनर का इस्तेमाल करते है और आपको इस्तेमाल करने के साथ साथ कभी ना कभी कुछ एरर कोड की समस्या का सामना करना पड़ता है तो इसलिए हमने O General Inverter AC Error Code में आने वाले एरर कोड को देखते हुए बात की है क्यूंकि इन एरर कोड के आने की बजह से काफी लोगो को दिक्क़त का सामना करना पड़ता है और यह एरर कोड की समस्या O General Inverter एयर कंडीशनर में तब ज्यादा देखने को मिलती हैं

जब यह एयर कंडीशनर समय के साथ-साथ पुरानी होती जाती है या फिर एयर कंडीशनर को सही समय पर सर्विस नहीं मिल पाती हैं तो यह एरर कोड O General Inverter AC में आने की बजह से आपको समझ में नहीं आता है कि यह एरर कोड किस चीज़ का है तो आपकी इस परेशानी को देखते हुए हमने अपने इस आर्टिकल में O General Inverter AC में आने वाले कुछ ऐसे ही एरर कोड की लिस्ट को शामिल किया है जिससे आपको काफी हेल्प मिलेगी और आप देख कर समझ सकते हैं कि यह O General Inverter AC में दिखाई देने वाला एरर कोड किस चीज का है और इसके साथ ही Light Blinking Error Code को भी लिस्ट किया है की और यह बताया गया है कि कितनी बार लाइट ब्लिंकिंग पर क्या-क्या समस्या हो सकती है

क्यूंकि अगर आप इन एरर कोड को सॉल्व करने के लिए एक मैकेनिक की तलाश करते हैं तो वह आपसे काफी महंगा चार्ज करते हैं जिसमें बह एक समस्या को देखते हुए काफी सारी प्रॉब्लम को बताने लग जाते हैं तो इसलिए बेबजह आपका काफी खर्चा हो जाता है अगर आप भी अपने इस खर्चे से बचना चाहते है और बिना मैकेनिक को बुलाए आपका काम आसान हो जाए और आपके O General Inverter AC में आने वाले एरर कोड सॉल्व हो जाए तो इसके लिए आपको हमारे इस आर्टिकल की मदद लेनी पड़ेगी क्यूंकि आपकी आवश्यकता के अनुसार हमने इस पूरे आर्टिकल में उन सभी एरर कोड को लिस्ट किया है जो O General Inverter एयर कंडीशनर में देखने को खासकर मिलते हैं तो चलिए जानने की कोशिश करते हैं O General Inverter एयर कंडीशनर में आने वाले एरर कोड के बारे में कि कौन-से एरर कोड का मतलब क्या होता है और इसे कैसे सॉल्व किया जाता है  

O General Inverter AC Error Code List & Light Blinking Error Code

Error Display
Error codeDescription
(1)(1) 0 11Serial communication error
(1)(2)012Wired remote controller communication error
Server room control communication error
(1)(5)015Check run unfinished Automatic airflow adjustment error
(1)(6)016Peripheral unit transmission PCB connection error
(1)(8)018External communication error
(2)(1)021Unit number or Refrigerant circuit address setting error
(Simultaneous Multi)
(2)(2)022Indoor unit capacity error
(2)(3)023Combination error
(2)(4)024Connection unit number error
(indoor slave unit)
Connection unit number error
(indoor unit or branch unit)
(Flexible Multi)
(2)(6)026Indoor unit address setting error
(2)(7)027Primary unit,secondary unit setup error
(Simultaneous Multi)
(2)(9)029Connection unit number error in wired remote controller system
(3)(1)031Power supply interruption error
(3)(2)032Indoor unit PCB model information error
(3)(3)033Indoor unit motor electricity consumption detection error
(3)(5)035Manual auto switch error
(3)(9)039Indoor unit power supply error for fan motor
(3)(10)03AIndoor unit communication circuit
(wired remote controller) error
(4)(1)041Room temp. sensor error
(4)(2)042Indoor unit heat ex. middle temp. sensor error
(4)(4)044Human sensor error
(5)(1)051Indoor unit fan motor error
(5)(3)053Drain pump error
(5)(4)054Electric air cleaner reverse VDD error
(5)(5)055Filter set error
(5)(7)057Damper error
(5)(8)058Intake grill error
(5)(9)059Indoor unit fan motor 2 error
(Left side fan)
(5)(10)05AIndoor unit fan motor 3 error
(Right side fan)
Error Display
Error codeDescription
(5)(15)05UIndoor unit error
(6)(1)061Outdoor unit reverse/missing phase and wiring error
(6)(2)062Outdoor unit main PCB model information error or communication error
(6)(3)063Inverter error
(6)(4)064Active filter error, PFC circuit error
(6)(5)065Trip terminal L error
(6)(8)068Outdoor unit rush current limiting resistor temp.rise error
(6)(10)06ADischarge pressor sensor error
suction pressor sensor error
High-pressure switch error
(7)(1)071Discharge temp. sensor error
(7)(2)072 compressor temp. sensor error
(7)(3)073Outdoor unit Heat Ex. liquid temp. sensor error
(7)(4)074Outdoor temp. sensor error
(7)(5)075Suction Gas temp. sensor error
(7)(6)0762-way valve temp. sensor sensor
3-way valve temp. sensor sensor
(7)(7)077Heat sink temp. sensor error
(8)(2)082Sub-cool Heat Ex. gas inlet temp. sensor error
Sub-cool Heat Ex. gas Outlet temp. sensor error
(8)(3)083Liquid pipe temp. sensor error
(8)(4)084Current sensor error
(8)(6)086High-pressure error
(9)(4)094Trip detection
(9)(5)095compressor rotor position
detection error ( permanent stop)
(9)(7)097Outdoor unit fan motor 1 error
(9)(8)098Outdoor unit fan motor 2 error
(9)(9)0994-way valve error
(9)(10)09ACoil ( expansion valve) error
(10)(1)0A1Discharge temp. error
(10)(3)0A3Compressor temp. error
(10)(4)0A4Low-pressure error
(10)(5)0A5Low pressure error
(13)(2)0J2Branch boxes error
(Flexible multi)
Serial communication error 1 Flash1 Flash
indoor unit PCB model information error 32
Manual auto switch error35
Room temp. sensor error 41
Indoor unit Heat Ex. middle temp. sensor error 42
Indoor unit fan motor error51
Indoor unit error515
Outdoor unit main PCB model
information error or communication error
Inverter error 63
Display PCB microcomputer communication error64
Trip terminal L error 65
Display PCB microcomputers communication error 610Rapid Flash
(0.1s on/0.1s Off)
Discharge temp. sensor error71
Outdoor unit Heat Ex. liquid temp. sensor error73
Outdoor temp. sensor error74
Current sensor error84
Trip detection94
Compressor rotor position detection error 95
4-way valve error99
Discharge temp. error101
Indoor unit lamps
Wired remote controlDescription
(1)(1)011Serial communication error
(1)(2)012Wired remote control communication error
(1)(5)015Check run unfinished
(2)(2)022Indoor unit capacity error
(2)(3)023Combination error
(2)(4)024Connection unit number error (Indoor slave unit) (simultaneous multi)
Connection unit number error (Indoor unit or branch unit)
(Flexible Multi)
(2)(7)027Primary unit,secondary unit set-up error {simultaneous multi)
(3)(2)032Indoor unit PCB model information error
(3)(5)035Manual auto switch error
(4)(!)041Intel air temp. sensor error
(4)(2)042Indoor unit Heat Ex. middle temp. sensor error
(5)(1)051Indoor unit fan motor error
(5)(3)053Drain pump error
(5)(7)057Damper error
(5)(15)05UIndoor unit error
(6)(2)062Outdoor unit main PCB model information error or communication error
(6)(3)063Inverter error
(6)(4)064Active filter error, PFC circuit error
(6)(5)065Trip terminal L error
Indoor unit lamps
Wired remote controlDescription
(6)(10)06ADischarge pressure sensor error
Suction pressure sensor error
High-pressure switch error
(7)(1)071Discharge temp. sensor error
(7)(2)072Compressor temp. sensor error
(7)(3)073Outdoor unit Heat Ex. liquid temp. sensor error
(7)(4(074Outdoor temp. sensor error
(7)(5)075Suction Gas temp. sensor error
(7)(6)0762-Way valve temp. sensor error
3-Way valve temp. sensor error
(7)(7)077Heat sink temp. sensor error
(8)(2)082Sub-cool Heat Ex gas inlet temp. sensor error
Sub-cool Heat Ex gas outlet temp. sensor error
(8)(3)083Liquid pipe temp. sensor error
(8)(4(084Current sensor error
(8)(6)086High-pressure error
(9)(4(094Trip detection
(9)(5)095Compressor rotor position
detection error (permanent stop)
(9)(7)097Outdoor unit fan motor error
(9)(9)0994-way valve error
(10)(1)0A1Discharge temp. error
(10)(3)0A3Compressor temp. error
(10)(4)0A4Low-pressure error
(10)(5)0A5Low pressure error
(13)(2)0J2Branch boxes error
(Flexible Multi)
Error Display

Wired remote control
Error code
(1)(1)011Serial communication error
(1)(2)012Wired remote control communication error
(1)(5)015check run unfinished
(2)(1)021Unit number or Refrigerant circuit address setting error
{simultaneous multi)
(2)(2)022Indoor unit capacity error
(2)(3)023Combination error
(2)(4)024Active filter error, PFC circuit error
(2)(7)027Master unit slave unit set-up error
{simultaneous multi)
(3)(2)032Indoor unit PCB model information error
(3)(5)035Manual auto switch error
(4)(1)041Room temp. sensor error
(4)(2)042Indoor unit Heat Ex. Middle temp. sensor error
(5)(1)051Indoor unit fan motor error
(5)(3)053Drain pump error
(5)(7)057Damper error
(5)(15)05UIndoor unit error
(6)(2)062Outdoor unit main PCB model information error or communication error
(6)(3)063Inverter error
(6)(4)064Active filter error,PFC circuit error
(6)(5)065Trip terminal L error
Error Display

Wired remote control
Error code
(6)(8)068Outdoor unit rush current unit resistor temp. rise error
(6)(10)06ADisplay PCB microcomputers communication error
(7)(1)071Discharge temp. sensor error
(7)(2)072Compressor temp. sensor error
(7)(3)073Outdoor unit Heat Ex. liquid temp. sensor error
(7)(4)074Outdoor temp. sensor error
(7)(5)075Suction Gas temp. sensor error
(7)(6)0762-way valve temp. sensor error
3-way valve temp. sensor error
(7)(7)077Heat sink temp. sensor error
(8)(2)082Sub-cool Heat Ex.gas inlet temp. sensor error
Sub-cool Heat Ex.gas Outlet temp. sensor error
(8)(3)083Liquid pipe temp. sensor error
(8)(4)084Current sensor error
(8)(6)086High-pressure error
(9)(4)094Trip detection
(9)(5)095Compressor rotor position detection error (permanent stop
(9)(7)097Outdoor unit fan motor error
(9)(9)0994-way valve error
(10)(1)0A1Discharge temp. error
(10)(3)0A3Compressor temp. error
(10)(4)0A4Low-pressure error
(10)(5)0A5Low pressure error
(13)(2)0J2Branch boxes error
(Flexible Multi)
Error Display

Wired remote control
Error code
(6)(8)068Outdoor unit rush current unit resistor temp. rise error
(6)(10)06ADischarge pressure sensor error
Suction pressure sensor error
High-pressure switch error
(7)(1)071Discharge temp. sensor error
(7)(2)072Compressor temp. sensor error
(7)(3)073Outdoor unit Heat Ex. liquid temp. sensor error
(7)(4)074Outdoor temp. sensor error
(7)(5)075Suction Gas temp. sensor error
(7)(6)0762-way valve temp. sensor error
3-way valve temp. sensor error
(7)(7)077Heat sink temp. sensor error
(8)(2)082Sub-cool Heat Ex.gas inlet temp. sensor error
Sub-cool Heat Ex.gas Outlet temp. sensor error
(8)(3)083Liquid pipe temp. sensor error
(8)(4)084Current sensor error
(8)(6)086High-pressure error
(9)(4)094Trip detection
(9)(5)095Compressor rotor position detection error (permanent stop
(9)(7)097Outdoor unit fan motor error
(9)(9)0994-way valve error
(10)(1)0A1Discharge temp. error
(10)(3)0A2Compressor temp. error
(10)(4)0A3Low-pressure error
(10)(5)0A4Low pressure error
(13)(2)0J2Branch boxes error
(Flexible Multi)
Error Codes: AOGA36FUTC-B Only
LED1LED2Error contents
FlashFlashModel error or EEPROM error
1 FlashLightingPower source connection error
2 FlashLightingDischarge temp. sensor error
3 FlashLightingHeat exchanger temp. sensor error
4 FlashLightingOutdoor temp. sensor error
5 FlashLightingcommunication signal error
6 FlashLightingIndoor unit error
7 FlashLightingDischarge temp. error
8 FlashLightingHigh pressure error
9 FlashLightingcompressor temp. error
10 FlashLightingcompressor temp. sensor error
FlashingOffNo error Protect Operation
Error Codes :  ASGA22FTTC-B,ASGA18FTTC-B
Off8 flashWired remote control error (communication error)
2 flash2 flash
3 flash
Indoor temperature thermistor open/short
Indoor unit, heat exchanger middle thermistor open/short
4 flash 2 flash Forced automatic SW welded (Indoor unit conrol error)
6 flash2 flash
3 flash
Indoor fan motor abnormal lock
Indoor fan motor abnormal rotation
0.1 sec on/off0.1 sec on/offModel information error
Error Codes: ASYG18LFCA

Indoor unit

Wired remote controlModeDESCRIPTION
(1)(1)011CommunicationSerial communication error
(1)(2)012CommunicationWired remote control communication error
(2)(2)022System Indoor unit capacity error
(3)(1)031Indoor unitpower supply interruption error
(3)(5)035Indoor unitManual auto switch error
(3)(9)039Indoor unitfan motor driving circuit error
(4)(1)041Indoor unitInlet air temp. sensor error
(4)(2)042Indoor unitIndoor Heat Ex.middle temp. sensor error
(5)(1)051Indoor unitIndoor unit fan motor 1 error
(5)(3)053Indoor unitDrainage error
(5)(9)059Indoor unitIndoor unit fan motor 2 error
(5)(15)05UIndoor unitIndoor unit error
(6)(2)062Outdoor unitOutdoor unit model information error
(6)(3)063Outdoor unitInverter error
(6)(5)065Outdoor unitI.P.M. error
(7)(1)071Outdoor unitDischarge temp.sensor error
(7)(2)072Outdoor unitCompressor temp. sensor error
(7)(3)073Outdoor unitHeat Ex. centre temperature sensor error
Heat Ex liquid outlet temp. sensor error
(7)(4)0 74Outdoor unitOutdoor temp. sensor error
(7)(7)077Outdoor unitHeat sink temp. sensor error
(8)(4)084Outdoor unitCurrent sensor error
(8)(6)086Outdoor unitPressure sensor error
High Pressure switch error
(9)(4)094Outdoor unitOver current error
(9)(5)095Outdoor unitCompressor control error
(9)(7)097Outdoor unitOutdoor unit fan motor 1 error
(9)(8)098Outdoor unitOutdoor unit fan motor 2 error
(9)(9)099Outdoor unit4-way valve error
Discharge temp. error
Compressor temp. error
Low-pressure error
Error Codes : ASGA12BMWA-B
Serial No.Malfunction Name Display Method Of Indoor Unit
(Error Code)
A/C StatusPossible causes (For Specification Maintenance Method, please refer to the following procedure of troubleshooting)
1Indoor ambient temp. sensor is open/short-circuited F1The unit will stop operation as it reaches it temp. point During cooling and drying Operations, except INDOOR fan motor operates. other loads stop operation, During Heating operation, the system stops operation 1. The wiring terminal between the indoor ambient temp. sensor and the main board is loosened or poorly connected;
2. there’s short circuit due to trip over of the parts on controller;
3. Indoor ambient temp. sensor is damaged (please check it by referring to the resistance table for temp. sensor)
4. Main board is broken.
2Indoor evaporator temp. the sensor is open/short-circuited F2The unit will stop operation as it reaches the temp. point.During cooling and drying operations.
except IDU fan operates, other loads stop operation During Heating operation, the system stops operation
1. The wiring terminal between the indoor evaporator temp. sensor and the main board is loosened or poorly connected;
2. there’s short circuit due to trip over of the parts on controller;
3. Indoor evaporator temp. sensor is damaged (please check it by referring to the resistance table for temp. sensor)
4. Main board is broken
3Blocked protection of IND fan motor H6IND fan, OUT fan, compressor and electric heat tube stop operation, Horizontal lavour stops at the current position.1. The feedback terminal of PG motor is not connected lightly
2. The control terminal of PG motor is not connected lightly
3. Fan blade rotates unsmoothly.
4. Malfunction of motor.
5. Main board is broken.
Error Codes : ASGA12BMWA-B
Serial No.Malfunction Name Display Method Of Indoor Unit
(Error Code)
A/C StatusPossible causes (For Specification Maintenance Method, please refer to the following procedure of troubleshooting)
4Malfunction protection of jumper cap C5Operation of remote controller or control panel is available, but the unit won’t act. 1. theres not jumper cap on the main board.
2. jumper cap is not inserted property and lightly.
3. jumper cap is damaged
4. controller is damaged
5Outdoor condenser sensor open circuit, short circuit F4Cooling dehumidifying ,compressor will stop Indoor fan motor will work Heat all will stop Outdoor room temp. sensor hasn’t connected well or damaged. please refer to the sensor resistance value for checking
6Overload of compressorH3The entire unit stop Cooling dehumidifying,compressor will stop Indoor fan motor will work Heat all will stop
Error Codes : ASGA12BMWA-B
Serial No.Malfunction Name Display Method Of Indoor Unit
(Error Code)
A/C StatusPossible causes (For Specification Maintenance Method, please refer to the following procedure of troubleshooting)
7Insufficient fluorine protection F0Indoor fan runs according to set fan and other loads will stop.1. Heat exchanger are too dirty or the air inlet/outlet is blocked.
2. Compressor does’t work normally Storage noise or leakage occurs. Temperature of the shell is too high.
3.System is blocked inside(dirt block.ice block,oil blockY-valve not fully open).
4. The refrigerant is leaking
8Zero-crossing inspection circuit malfunction of the IND fan motor.U81. Heat exchanger are too dirty or the air inlet/outlet is blocked.
2. Compressor doesn’t work normally Storage noise or leakage occurs. Temperature of the shell is too high.
3.System is blocked inside(dirt block.ice block,oil blockY-valve not fully open).
4. The refrigerant is leaking
1. Quick de-energization and energization wrong judgment by the controller because the electric- discharging of capacitor is slow.
2. Zero crossing inspection circuit of main board for controller is abnormal.
9Overcurrent protection(this protection function is not available for those models whose cooling capacity <12000 Blu/h) E5During cooling and drying operation, except IND fan motor operates.other loads stop operation. During heating operation, the system stops operation.During cooling and drying operation,except IND fan motor operates.other loads stop operation. During heating operation, the system stops operation.
Error Codes : ASGA12BMWA-B
Serial No.Malfunction NameDisplay Method Of Indoor Unit
(Error Code)
A/C StatusPossible causes (For Specification Maintenance Method, please refer to the following procedure of troubleshooting)
10High-pressure protectionE1During cooling and drying operation, except IND fan operates, all loads stop operation During heating operation, if it is floor standing unit, the complete unit stops, and operation of remote controller or controller is unavailable1. The main board and the display panel are not connected well.
2. The HPP terminal on main board is not connected well with the high-pressure switch on the complete unit.
3. The wiring of high-pressure switch is loosened.
4. Refrigerant is superabundant.
5. Poor heat exchange (Including blocked heat exchanger and bad radiating environment).
6. Ambient temperature is too high (if it is 3-phase unit the high-pressure protection may be caused by overcurrent protection due to this reason).
7. The supply voltage is abnormal (if it is 3-phase unit the high-pressure protection may be caused by overcurrent protection due to this reason).
8. The air intake and air discharge at indoor/outdoor heat exchanger are not smooth. The air cycle is short-circuited.
9. Filter and heat exchanger fins of indoor/outdoor units are blocked.
10. The system pipeline is blocked
11. The gas valve and liquid valve for outdoor unit are not completely opened.
12. The HPP input is at high level.
Serial signal errorOff2 flash
3 flash
4 flash
5 flash
6 flash
serial signal (reverse) error, at operation start-up
serial signal (reverse) error, during operation
serial signal (forward) error, at operation start-up
serial signal (forward) error, during operation
Wired remote controller error

Indoor unit thermistor error 2 flash 2 flash
3 flash
Indoor temperature thermistor open/short
Heat exchanger middle thermistor open/short
Outdoor unit thermistor error 3 flash 2 flash
3 flash
4 flash
8 flash

Discharge thermistor open/short
Heat exchanger thermistor open
Outdoor temperature thermistor open/short
Compressore temperature thermistor open/short

Indoor unit control error 4 flash 2 flash
3 flash
4 flash
7 flash
8 flash
Forced automatic SW welded
Main relay welded
Power interruption error
VDD permanent stop protection
Reverse VDD permanent stop protection
Error Codes : ASGA18JCC-B, ASGA24JCC-B
Outdoor unit controller error5 flash2 flash
3 flash
5 flash
6 flash
Current trip error
CT abnormal
Compressor location detection error
Outdoor unit fan drive system abnormal
Indoor fan motor error6 flash 2 flash
3 flash
Abnormal lock
Abnormal rotation
Refrigerant cycle error7 flash2 flash
3 flash
4 flash
5 flash
Discharge temperature abnormal
Cooling high-pressure abnormal rise
4 -way valve error
pressure switch trouble
Optional function error8 flash2 flash
3 flash
4 flash
Active filter voltage trouble (second time)
Active filter voltage trouble (first time)
PFC circuit error
Model information error0.1 sec on/off0.1 sec on/offModel information error
Error Codes : AOGA18JCC-B, AOGA24JCC-B
0.5 second on/0.5 second off Overload protection
On Discharge temperature abnormal
0.1 second on/0.1 second offThermistor abnormal
2.0 second on/2.0 second offCT abnormal
0.1 second on/2.0 second offCompressor location abnormal
5.0 second on/5.0 second offFan abnormal
Primax Channel

Experienced electrician specializing in repairing home appliances such as inverters, ACs, and refrigerators. Committed to efficient and reliable service.

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